Course catalog
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These are not just courses.
They are experiences.
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Course: Explore Coding & Have Fun
New to coding? Start here. It's FREE.

Course: Build Your Own Video Game
Our most popular! This course covers a full range of coding topics used by game developers.
Team Building

Course: Lego Chicken Challenge
Created to foster team building and collaboration skills using legos.
Go Further!

Course: Mars Ingenuity
Created in honor of the Mars Ingenuity Helicopter, this course will introduce different concepts used in coding projects.
Data, Data, Data

Course: Databases
Using data from a galaxy far far away, you will learn about the value of data and how to build databases that are used in all sorts of games and software.

Course: Web Development
Learn the fundamental technology that is at the heart of the internet, web page development.
Coming Soon | Learn About A.I.
More courses are in development to include Artificial Intelligence, Python, and using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
Best Offer
Code Explorer Subscription
Our bundle includes a wide range of coures you explore at your own pace and grow your skills.