Our mission is to inspire anyone to begin learning to code

GetMeCoding.com is committed to removing the mystery of exploring and learning to code (aka computer programming) so we can see more people become better thinkers and create the skills for jobs requiring problem solvers using software and artificial intelligence.

The story behind GetMeCoding.com

Getmecoding.com was created by Fred Aebli (or Mr. Fred as his student’s call him), to be part of a solution. Having witnessed a growing demand for information technology professionals for over a decade, in particular, software developers, and a decline in the number of young people considering this to be a career possibility, he thought something more can be done.
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Mr. Fred and GetMeCoding.com has appeared and worked with a wide variety of organizations over the years to include:

Meet Mr. Fred

Creator of GetMeCoding.com

I wanted to remove the mystery of exploring and learning how to code (aka program a computer) so we can see more people become better thinkers and create skills for jobs requiring solutions with software.

That is when I decided to create GetMeCoding.com.

If there is a way I can help you on your coding journey….. I WILL.

Explore our courses now!

Don't lose the opportunity to start learning today.
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